Sunday 7 July 2013

Interview a PR Practitioner - Emily Liu from INTACT group

In the grand scheme of things, every entity is related; which is why a holistic approach is necessary if you want to have a lasting and impactful presence.

This is where INTACT Group comes in, strong advocates of providing comprehensive integrative solutions to help align marketing & branding strategies with business goals. They will help you build and maintain that integral bridge between you and your markets . Because it's all about connectivity. INTACT Group was formed in 2001.

Business is a complex game of strategy. To triumph at what you do, it is essential that you have a strong team to back you up. INTACT Group team are professional in marketing strategists possesses decades of experience in diverse international climates; each a specialist within their own areas of expertise.

At the core of the INTACT team are a passion for our craft, a dedication towards excellence and an immense synergy, both internally and with our clients, so you know you can always depend on INTACT Group to come up with the most innovative solutions that will work for you.

INTACT Group assist clients ALIGH their MARKETING STRATEGY and BRAND STRATEGY to their BUSINESS STRATEGY by providing them with a full range of Integrated Marketing Communication Services.

INTACT Group is the founding affiliate of WIN, or Worldwide Innovative Network, a collaboration of diverse creative agencies across the globe, each with its own areas of strengths.

Pooling together an innovative international team of highly experienced strategists and consultants, WIN forms a synergistic platform to offer a broad array of flexible,  personalised integrated marketing & branding approaches based on proven methodologies to meet the challenges of the contemporary business world.
We are pleasure to interview Emily Liu from INTACT group. We appreciate Emily Liu was giving us opportunity share information of her company background and operations for us.

1.      Can you tell me about yourself? Your position in this company.

I am working for marketing executive at INTACT Group, our major scope is create marketing which is a lot of intergrated campaigns. We not only do design in newspaper, we also think of another platform that actually can merge together have a full campaigns, maybe in online can have a own dedicated websites, or you can have a facebook page, and a few competition on ground and different things to type in, so to have the campaign more elaborate for more people, and actually under one campaigns but utilize different platform to get your messages across so that we do is business development identify with new client, and also draft a proposal and presentative to what they needs.

2.      What are your responsibilities of function as PR?
Responsibility is always depends on the client. Nowadays, client prefer request to have a press relief for a things, for example a things that needed to drafted out , but when complete the task , they will giving others idea or commends to it and request for changed, their mind are always having different thinking, so they want press relief, say tomorrow the launching publicity, so you draft the press relief, you send it out to newspaper, and then cover the story, or maybe like they have own ground event doing competition, so we have to make sure that the competition run well or sometimes look for sponser and have also to media monitor which to coverage come out for a client or about client is positive and not negative, actually perspectively deal certain media houses and thanks like that.

3.      Have you ever faced any crisis/issue(s) along your employment here? If yes, could you please share your experience how you manage to solve the crisis/issue (s)?
There is always having crisis in our jobs, sometimes we meet the schedule problem with newspaper and the article don’t publish out, so we have to media monitor to make sure our plans and time with them for the article to publish out, for example our article on certain day that confirm by client we need to check frequently with our department and to make sure it,because the client expected us to done it. So sometime we have to tell them why it is missing from there, and how are we going to solve it. However we need to explain with the client, so we have to identify also the solution for clients , just for my ownself my photography competion would actually done by online submission, so we never expected many people to join because due to the file capacity problem or maybe some others teachnical issues. So that is a lot of complication and need to have a solution for them. Our IT team will always solve the teachnical immediately to ensure everything are running in proper process.
4.     What are the THREE positive values that can describe about you?
First, I am willing to learn, because while learning u can meet alot of challenging and obstruct, we will always find or looking for the better solution to solve it. Secondly, learning fast i think is would be consider as a positive values that can describe myself, when I meet the new challenging or some other difficult task to solve, i always look for the proper & better solution to solve it, it makes me learn thing became faster. For the last positive values, as a PR we can always meet alot of different field people, so we can always exchanging our information from each other, for this i would able to absort alot of experienced by others. I won't give up my job because its interesting and challenging comparing with other jobs.

5.      How would you see yourself at the next 5 years?
I would like to do something may different, not only for the conversation PR, maybe try other something that people haven't done before. Because everything else is like some other people have done it, because we don't expect some certain thing in Malaysia can make it due to our media entertainment industry are quite behind compare with other country. For example , Singapore, Hongkong Or Taiwan their thinks are different, hope so we can create something special that other people never do it before.



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